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On Portfolios, mainly this one

February 3, 2023

I just had the one rule for my "portfolio" site. That rule was just that it be a place of creativity, bumps, bruises, leaps without safety nets, and an idea that if I follow the first part of this sentence a few times the wind might guide my creative arrow somewhere near a bullseye or two.

I haven't had one of these for awhile because I am frankly more interesting in the work I've been fortunate to have over the past several years. No, that last part was bullshit. Really, I just didn't want the idea of a few "perfect" site or designs that I had time to upload on a Saturday morning to define me for the period of time between now and that next odd Saturday. I know the idea is to attract new work through my carefully curated awesomeness, but I think I am more interested in attracting genuine awesomeness through some little messes I make here in my cozy corner of the digital world.

Mainly, I don't want this place to be static. Nothing finished. Works in progress. Paintings I left on the floor that someone stepped on because I forgot to pick it up.

My only KPIs are the number of "that's interesting" and "I don't totally get this" types of comments and tweets I can trigger.